Sunday, 12 July 2015

Fortnight Before Dawn by Bhamini Ravishankar

I recently chanced to notice a free e-book from Amazon, in GoodReads, of a new Indian author, that promised to be a thriller. Thought I will try, ready to abandon in case it doesn't make a good read. I ended up glued to the e-book, and every moment I was free, I spent with Avanti, the protagonist. The very beginning was riveting and full of promises. Contrary to what is expected out of a woman writer, the genre, the field that is more convenient and comfortable, Bhamini delivers a lovely punch full of surprise.

Subtle humor, more realistic characterization, no unnecessary mince up of words and good detailing are the plus. It's very well written, though somewhere down the narrative, it seems like a regular spiced up movie, it nevertheless does not reduce the reader’s  interest and keeps her intrigued. I had already mentioned in one of my previous reviews, how even the best of books, with wonderful plots, storyline, slackens pace at about 100 pages to the end.

Hat’s off to Bhamini, the book was well paced, so nicely written, that the final few pages explaining the twist were interesting to read too. I suggested the book to a few friends, and very much looking forward to reading more from the author. Probably that expectation was the reason for a four-star review though it really deserved one more star.

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