Tuesday, 13 October 2015


One of my best reads in 2015.

People are different, and viewpoints can be different, that said, we have a never ending list of what normal behavior is, and what is not. Every single line of a text or message can be comprehended differently based on our moods, whims and fancies. But still we are so opinionated about how others speak, do or behave, forgetting that they do not have to react the way we think they are supposed to in any given situation. The environment in which we grow/live, the people we meet, the books we read have an effect on our behavior.  Not reacting the way majority perceive as normal amounts to abnormal behavior?

The protagonist sends his mother to an old age Home, and the reason is his poor financial condition. The mother understands too. The relationship between them was not that close before she went to the Home, so naturally it gets less personal. Well, he doesn’t want to see the face of his mother’s corpse, doesn’t cry, doesn't stay longer at the place after the burial. When a person does it all we would be very nice enough to tell them how the grievance is not going to bring back the dead to life. But when the person himself behaves thus with the knowledge of the same?

Immediately after this he falls in love with Marie, makes love, watches a movie, but then doesn’t everyone else also attend to their daily chores after someone's death? The killing of the Arab too, clearly is in self-defense, and spur of the moment, not a planned and plotted one. But the punishment is meted out and justice denied based on his behavior at his mother’s funeral.

His last outpour to the Chaplain, who keeps putting his views, is befitting, with just the right words and the right amount of words.

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